Sunday, November 29, 2020

Hypothetical Happiness


If happiness is constant absorption, and joy is a moment with bliss, then joy is the absence of happiness. Because we see happiness as continual, while we see joy as an interruption of uneasiness. So, to feel joy is an admission that happiness was absent. When happiness is continual, we do not notice segments of joy, we only feel and recognize a state of happiness. By saying, “I feel joy,” is next to saying, before the moment of joy, “I felt some discomfort.”

            We are defining happiness as a constant variable, while we are defining joy as a cousin of happiness. Of course, we understand that happiness must be continual, if but to claim happiness. But one might suggest that happiness is not capital but felt in passing. Or, we might say that joy is happiness, and happiness is joy. This is with some difficulty, for happiness is a state of being, and joy is a feeling associated with pleasure. So, with happiness it must exist as something that cannot disappear, whereas, with joy, it only comes that it might pass.

            If happiness is a state of consciousness, we do not suggest it is without affliction. One may be with happiness and be sidetracked by a difficult, or even a pain fraught situation. But the agent in question remains in a state of happiness. With joy, the agent must be in a state of lowness in order to realize a change has come, which the agent calls, the visitation of joy. As with happiness, the agent is just consciousness, despite, those inescapable dents that present themselves; or better explained, the agent is happiness, where joy is never a realization, for happiness outweighs joy.

            By happiness, we mean unchanged. Joy is always changed. Where happiness remains unchanged. We do not suggest that happiness does not fret, or undergo sadness. We more point to a core kernel, which permits for sadness while remaining happiness. One says, “Happiness cannot feel sadness.” This position is flawed. Joy is overwhelmed, overpowered by sadness, where happiness experiences sadness, while remaining trance-fixed by happiness.        

Time was Brief

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