Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Chemistry Chains


losing bass our ears so sudden to reply—those gifts while Love would flirt where most are not hard-wired—for sin or gin or angst on a pillow. by friend-zone by awkwardness or sauce into a never ending, no list! get in line with self, for Love is bad, top shelf. to sale a dream to monitor a scream while it must be so quick, we’ve missed it.

I was voted flirt of the year. it seemed crazy. I had no clue.

such fierce flame such fire as demented so raw we lose dignity. what was it where did it come from why was it so natural? the pain in its ship the captain in his brains while Love painted our anchor. so much a feeling so radical such curtains.


I skip to lone wars or seated with liquids or riddled with relevance; a cage in a dungeon in a prison; or a bird in skies in atmosphere suddenly swooping to pavement. he saw something. he needed something. but Love was going through a moment. upon a chameleon upon an iguana or seated near a kitchen.

unmoving chemistry. or a solution to end woes. such realities work if worked. 

panting at the seashore so unrelaxed our souls racing to meet. by fierce flame or fiercer loneness as time looks peculiar. it stipples in dots it reeks of authoritarianism it smiles by conscienceness.     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...