Thursday, December 31, 2020

Frost & Warmth Create Or Break Souls


the shore is a road which parts at intervals. bled dry in adolescence or uncured as an adult or saying some indelicate thing. too close to assume too afar to conclude or so studied by intuition. rain falls it splashes asunder many particles are wet feelings; to despise some person to optout of penalties while pursued by hyenas. misinformed or ever on point—we know by attitudes or blues or moodiness; such a component so many seeds while an ostrich is buried in soil. a fire in you a flame is me so restricted from being at essence. angst is delicate or sex is chased while most are clear into dangers. further beneath sound into waterweeds under a seas-bed.

too fragile to listen too delicate to see while true meaning comes by passivity. if caring is present it must be flexible it must obey its ruling fever. by aquarium a startle, by sea-belts an awakening, while age is chasing us; such marshweed while chewing gnats while a man ate locusts; at a dovetail into a cheetah while carrying an elephant.

a doorknob a capture a child behind his mother; blood purple veins such tattooed flesh while most desire ultimate sensation—upon horsehair gripped in orgasmic lock to sew an ingredient.

as a blacksmith in a plural atmosphere to learn rules are mainly for others; such blithe at times, it become cheerful indifference, where something has been stolen: a child’s eyes, such independent diligence, or deep personal curiosity.

as to look or assume with no want to investigate. so much rejection, it kills sentiments, where we try to protect ourselves. but alienation comes, so much a sinkhole, where adventure is foggy mirrors.

such inkstone such blots or impersonal labels; to define a person based in insecurities where most are judging based in resistance.

so inedible without remorse to have killed such in spirit—scars made indelible!

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...