Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Beast: Mental Liquids


it’s sluggish as it comes down. it’s favored, unraveled, or dynamite while highest. so much the aboriginal the native so primitive like shadows. such delicate tastes so fueled for sexuality where it might not matter. torn bedsheets a filthy mattress or a ten-year-old pillow. polyester shirts buttoned in its midsection where breasts tease the beast. I was in passion to see slight seduction it meant so much—as to imagine diamonds by navels a temptress a belly dancer. our mind-saws, filled with origami hushed in more fever: whispers murmur such a plumbless depth such radical doors—by chains to get flame such a wet touch while liquids have infuriated—a wiser man to multiple pains where his books are jettisoned. Love by warmth so unafraid of sexuality where a soul might for exclusivity; but it matters not, so intimate, it must be understood—the promise of today the weariness of tomorrow or slight aroma such tender mornings. the shift as it downfalls where majesty is more like, “Why have You forsaken me?” an attempted striptease churns into madness or sullenness bathed in heaviness—those we adore our behavior monitored so many to care for. so maudlin or forced forward by something screaming its agenda; our kaleidoscopes our telepathic imagination where most speak in concrete. it’s ironic, as we live, in major abstracts. the backdrop is beautiful, those pains are ecstatic, every thought has been re-managed. our misery is our ink, our officials our resources, our bandages our talismans. such seams so alive while we know for ghosts or goblins or sutures: the sorrow-chauffeur those acrobatic mind-turns at something too delicate to lose. connected to dinosaurs. so unidentifiable. such roaring fire!    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...