Friday, August 21, 2020

Marriage As A Human Need


I would love by attentiveness sore in humanness more attached those mornings.

as nakedness is noetic by zoetic cries more intense by innocence; if to care such scars or to fix damage seeping into our carpet. I would protect or die where ruin settles affecting gatekeepers. such boxing or farming the adversary is the habit, sore openness, curiosity, or desire for godhood. acclaimed as mystics so deliberate so attached such angelic years; or an excited man, his first child, such pride, power, more-deeper philosophic(s). what becomes the marriage? where have we re-raveled? how have I a seed planted in you? where stems blossom where I sit in bosom surefire volunteering to reclaim existence; by mountainous founts such sandbags afore our receptivity or dearer honesty into our souls!

I would watch seeing into skies or walking to some unfair place; the stark contrast the balloon screaming while a soul shaved in our sin. to need someone as so much survival if but one person in our wilderness; so dependent, so late, where we love due to our deficits; or never asked, with never a journey, such thoughts dwelling in our visage. a gust of radiance a drift into solar lights while signposts were removed by others. such determined pains such rage in our silence, while I wonder as I wander, have we become pluralistic; our postmodern universe, our dearest deconstruction, while adoring is such an altruistic decision.

an unfledged hawk by an incredible orientation while most souls have different understandings; for one, we love by growth, for another, we’re having uncensored fun: if by granny’s laws, or a wayward mother, or grandfather’s standards. (but life is outstanding. it’s mystery, poverty, or riches. its wealth we love. its pain we cherish. while we’re blankets meant for providing comforts.) so much our waves or tender distress where most people are New Age Healers; by multiplicity or open cages insomuch others are obedient to our clauses our agreements our understanding of human needs.     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...