Sunday, August 16, 2020

Mystics Replica Deaths


sheer taunts the body so sickly as torn by iron; if unwaved or unchanneled such deeper attraction; to look at quintessence or to unwater an ocean sure reservoir a tender reed. it was love so sighted so rejected as travelled in a given wick; as Kerry might relax into sweet miracle or treasured a symbol speaking its peace; or days transforming for weight is deficit while such souls remain unescapable; such dear fire, a child searching, an adult finding its harmony; those petals such a lotus while one might listen cupped in dungeons; the highest cavity as flooded with whispers but a subject or an object. I have died days as touched by virus where closeness reveals its temperature; our happy feud our felicity torpor where a man is but a child. as dreams would fester or yogis might unite such a spark as it simmers for rest. instincts by emotions those roads so much sleet or Angelica fretting his sincerity. our fragile furnace our nights in nightsong or absence so present a dear atrocity; to have adored a daughter so forced to vacate while happenstance whooped a man into his vulnerability. if one might be forgiven than two must be forgiven else it becomes, “I forgive those I make love to.” such nausea such evenings near vomit a man’s nerves are imprisonments. as cries hit the island or oceans give up the Ghost, we wonder of so many locations at a given second. an old argument, a tinge in imagination, while scientists are so critical of metaphysics. by stimuli such dread of death where a mystic is born by deaths as a child might deceive landing into by death. such mental copies such exaggerated passion or needing one kept in her core self. a sudden shout, to arrange a resurrection, where darkest faculties are tactile.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...