Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Home Is Fettered

an angelica lures in a romantic by promise, ambition, more security. by cheerful alienation by rich suffocation where two are captive ecstasy. to walk by xyst with memoirs in palms as torn but

devoted; our curious satisfaction or mighty skeptical where passion speaks by sin. to have controlled our lives to have diminished our actions or most closed off to our worlds. where bears are mental or pedestals are dependent in such a fashion, it’s needed to produce excellence. by sad

reservoir or depressed bodily as a soul would stress its realization. our dirge is romantic our curse is similar while we debate those loose horizons. our minds by galaxies our souls by malaise as

danger becomes searching for its mitigation. we must gather to cherish as wrestling inertia where inheritance is a genetic splice. pure fusion or fission as creative casualties by art or aesthetic. our

inkprints our palmprints into sky-prints. if religious we debate if atheist we mourn while something requires its reception. a daughter is at sea. she paints a sunless sky. it is daybreak but our sun is

absent. it becomes plummeting wonder as to wander waywardly at such convenient imposition. she might chance her future, by purer travail, if but to redress hostility. many watched. they saw

deeper pain. they remained silent, as that is preference love. nor were daisies freedom or patience prevalent insomuch as it benefits a chosen person; for truth is mangled she has re-choked up her

ghosts, while many are defending a pristine mirage. but as abject souls aiming for permanent joys, we often deceive our inner ruckus; as needing some fable in order to sing while reality is void.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...