Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Talkative Wall Mirrors


so excused but knowingly while pain is silent. our homes carry residue, temblors explore our bones, we assess uncertainty. or an ideal by persons determined where most days are joyful; even nothingness as in nothing new, is peaceful uneasiness. the splendor in receptivity, or something hostile, where children barely speak. homes become motifs or behavioral where some are suspended. but we task a journey, to unravel portraits, if but resounding beauty.

it was normal, for it was unexamined, while it felt like solidarity. a child in his indoctrination. a parent in some cocoon. those outsiders as inauthentic.

such silence or floorboard creaks or crickets being nosy.

by illumination as to vet habits where playing seemed important. our taboo music. our meals so vocal. before binoculars became intrusive.

but mother a mare such determined wits while a son possessed a lifeline. (it’s uncanny the need for neediness as living to soothe by comforts. this is life, by reciprocity, where it’s symbiology: such comfort in service such needs to live for service or so destroyed by failing in duty.)

to be exhausted in another; to live, die, & eat behaviors or systems such soft elevation. so close it annoys so intrusive it batters with a desire to be all one admires. such sheer voltage as feeling incomplete with peril so familiar it stings; by life to have but terror to sweep baggage if it would un-appear. by indelible mishaps or beauty amidst travesty while we determine our laughter.    

it might become inmost direction where normality is sheer orientation. to demand understanding to dwell in grayness or so outcasted life becomes perdition. ever graced by nature such as to one’s lot where society has deemed it doesn’t fit. or to fix self in such a manner where those slots need those old memories/behaviors.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...