Saturday, August 29, 2020

Blackness Is Inclusive


we lose icons, such disease, as it tiptoes internally. such innocent essence or cavalier sin or doctoral wizards. by beret or coat or solid leather. so much in need so material where blacks are studying philosophies; our epistemic our existential our Invisible Man. pure hunger while trying desperately to camouflage slavery. born into hostility such raw frustration while brutality is four hundred years solid. we seek solidarity. parents are succumbing. addiction raids our intestines. such a drink if but for clarity or women so gorgeous damn near suicidal. by glamour to die sunk into a stupor so snug in misery. Cosby a maniac, such a deep disappointment, where our women can’t depend upon us. I was lost in trance, I met a lady, she was reluctantly living. it kills us when they die, our souls wrapped in wire, our thrill so gone! dear for gods our yogis. dear for Father our Christians. & dear for life our children. theory comes by observation, to discern between calculations, where a daughter plays her guitar. to admire so much blackness, or to feel abrupt, so absorbed in pure resistance; such systematic acceptance, such short-term cures, where a man must sacrifice his blackness. our souls belong to our women. our minds belong to Ultimate Energy. our hearts belong to each other. to incubate a child, so born to crack-addiction, while she breaks free. so many positive souls, so stressed by existence, if but to change a smidgen: those clever youngsters, our biracial seeds, our Jewish community. so much Spanish in us, our land needs to feel studied, our peoples are surviving together. as brown winners, or black witnesses, such love for eclectic whites!  


Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...