Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Whether or Not I Approve

It lingers in me those occurrences whether or not I approve; those most indelicate scars those familial raiding(s) or years kicking at something behind me; this fosse I dug this mud I slide whether or not I approve; it becomes resistance if but to forego something too crucial to ignite; this wrestling image this aggressive passiveness or those tags appearing in rearview(s); such youth becoming aged or tires losing traction while I ponder whether or not this horizon.

I’ve been honest with me threshed by me and arguably the best of me; this old flagon those sunlit battles whether or not I approve; those years in this box, this comfortable immobile box, while sneaking a gander at society; arranged to persist or arranged to die where others seem quite relaxed.

I met myself to distrust myself and this is the journey of my days; at overstimulation, some sort of compensation, wither those blades and clumps of beige grass; this man with invisibility those wall clocks requiring batteries where most things are designed for the host; our kilns rusted our rain acidic while a little ballerina dances with deep anguish; this stage I’ve built or those I refuse while most have become pictures in heaven; our raging minds our temperate behaviors whether or not we approve; so graven with seeing so quick to sense it while still something shutters; at but a glance to decode an agenda insomuch so close the other becomes disgusted; it becomes this literature pain, this trenchant contempt, while never, not once, a gander at that reflexive person; to die in you or to sing through you or one so indebted the bells rage in you; such dusky passion or purgatorial passion so neat so tatted and such an anomaly; this ambience in pink those fluorescents in ambrosia or something too appealing to neatly become my bones; such cyclonic lights such color and space where beauty seems to strike a death wish.

I never speak to you while needing to rant at you but something in us is quite sensitive; it is this insistent game as described by Derrida whether or not we desire to participate; it is frustration and anguish greed and anxiety—into wells of fury and decades of accumulation plus some primordial ink; a tad bit disheartened while another is more game where this becomes existence; and so astonished to meet you this life altered and our rain settling; as a group of runaways, fleeing into nightfall, unknitted and still fabric whether or not we participate; to meet those people to find fault with their styles while no one is cognizant of this big ass stumbling block.

It's a bit dark those signs or age that’s ripe where sentiments and standards of existence have settled in; our default behaviors that comfortable us while most are as ancient women—our best behaviors; the smaller fork those courteous bows our polite deliberate communication; or gunning fast and rebelling against everything so torn so exhausted and crashing upon pillows; those watered eyes those baggy pouches or that nasally deep throated tone; so involved in something eschewed whether or not we approve; it comes to this, a person sensing peace, while deeply at war with this ceiling mirror; to turn tables to relocate churches while rules are very important; such serious strata, our souls but unheard remedies, at something seemingly impossible; our hearts vibrating, our tumult flowering, whether or not we approve.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...