Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ghetto Existence as Original Sin

Each detriment with anguish-silence to exist economic-poverty or socio-psychic abasements; such friendly determinates while speaking with Satan where temporal majesty becomes appealing agonies—as crucial machines reborn into harm-fields as accursed where what is loved was commandeered; our tragic Jesus our Father’s Intentions while most are having difficulty with Divine Providence: so alert in you so close to you and pain is having its court.

We live so rapt’d in ambiguity or comfy and identity sacrificed for perception in dungeons and guillotines to imagine God’s Feelings; effluent sorrows or effulgent miseries so suffused and abandoned a lone man with omniscience; our ghetto gravels bearing witness as never an utterance while velocity is chasing and penetrating deliberateness; our minds laced with telepathies our tensions resistant to critiques and our reality so enthralled it’s difficult to break a negative outlook; such ghetto ambrosia such sweetness in pits while looking and laughing to manage joy; but children are flying and scholarships are flying where a young woman exhausts several bulbs; this flight in anxiety this thrust in angst so dissonant and determined.

I see an apartment and fleas are ramped and this nice poodle must go; our engendered essence our trivial debates while so intense and missing existence; our beating hearts our revving skies while love seems so terrific; those younger souls at deeper hesitance where something just needs mistreatment; our esoteric persistence or our ghetto eulogies at gifts for one showing it has become too much; needing disabuse but accustomed to abuse where gentility becomes suspicion; this pavement of butterflies this summer’s loquat or cherries and apples and debates over Original Sin: this dearth of freedom fighters or frantic and fragile while feelings flame into fires.

We costume conservation we live by all means and we are sentenced to tragic evaluation; sensual silence overt and deleterious silence at bones and sacrifice re-gripped and longing prayers; so serious in life so averted by life or placed over-there and labeled as Others; such rich devotion or either richer conviction while abandoned to determination; our shapes are often hostile or so obedient it is ignored or so aggressive we become socially ostracized; our children are angry agents our music tends to objectify women or such about something anti-universal; our havoc hearts our deeper communion for tragedy creates Christian flutes; such pastel involvements or such dark-murk abasements where certain creatures are deemed as outsiders: this voice churning this musicality melancholic but this ambition too driven to embrace absence.

I fiddled with electric cars I pictured those lies and I never saw until I journeyed. It became this un-identity or this emoted perception where deep thoughts seemed to avoid me. The color of aesthetics drove internal cries where a man often needs something—he’s unprepared to keep. This flagon those nights or sober anguish those nights at something one needs to assess. Indeed, and we must ask and we must adventure into what is a concerto? Or better this flight plus this adornment wondering if one is able to evaluate an opera? Such small matters where truth must prevail—it is those intrinsic arts that produce radiant characters; such ghetto yoga or ghetto mystics or better a ghetto shaman; in this land of divisions this element of profanity where most are searching for a particular experience; our endorphins and such dopamine and such raging loud silence; as obvious opaque creatures indebted to global essence at something too incredible to ignore; as effulgent souls lost and driven where sunshine meets your experience.                 

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...