Friday, November 8, 2019

Ghetto Spirit had a Swan

By holy fury this pestilence in lands our hankies runny our mind-blood trickling; this ferret rant those sands this angst in winds a shaman praying her elements; to drift this way appealing to swanic skies so fixed in pictures or looking melancholic; this chance to compose our slaughtered rose as daughters flying mindful of lakes. I resurrect in silence so filthy from battle so accursed to live negligence; our harping hearts our visual vats at both torture and tyranny; those ancient rules or this cave without laws at something tragically terrific. If but an opportunity to expel chaos as one concerned with final destiny; our wilderness of wild fires those daughters with serenity or one constantly thinking and pining by privilege; our misnomers attempting to rename items or attempting to reason through dispositions; our irrational pains where we desire to heal but we insist on creating more fury; such casual deaths or reversing violence where I give what I dearly hate to receive; it becomes alienation while one ponders at wonders concerning those dreary seas. While mother is comatose and father is drunk and granny is livid a scar and tired; wherewith are arguments and dragons and deliberate shadows; to undercurrent fire to feel as never a soul or to crumble this corner screaming at Jesus; our compassionate neediness or to walk alongside you while requesting a segment of your joy; as dying blue jays or descending red robins our carpets flushed with ink blotches; as asked about visions or requested to surrender while both are managing frustration; this mint by control this ladder with Joseph or curious eyes disbelieving such clarity. Our years those grounds our mothers in fist-fights our fathers reasoning with police officers; those olden days this cruel disjunction while early morning father is back in bed. I pray your nights are restful and I pray nothing is too vast and I pray birds are cheering while you type; those hungry hummingbirds pleading this quadroon tigress while white leopards are ghostly through your horizon; our pantomime moments our fuchsia animas at pandas feeling deep kinships; if but to erase behavior but behavior is cemented and acting wild and ignoring responses is uninhabitable: therewith this culture of feelings while most forget their infractions but I must admit I rekindle those demons daily; to remember the futon to remember the empty freezer and to remember no one was quite interested in me; but here’s some truth, I remember the car ride where dishonesty had gone too far; this thing, Love, and I hope you never do it, Love, nevertheless, do not become involved if it’s not your intention to try: such cold weather where most are looking for the best while many remain unsatisfied.

some soil is seedless and desires tillage while some seeds have developed into walnut trees; this rift this confusing deliberate rift has become for most a headache; but some are holding strong and only divine intervention where God sits in their laps shall divorce this chaotic rift: if the prophet believes in God, why hasn’t God delivered him from death, or better, where are the prophet’s powers? I disappear at seconds saying something controversial while most are not in our favor; it becomes a Labrador hacking and coughing where we take notice and figure out what is transpiring; it would be cruel to ignore the sickly animal while it’s in our power to fix the issue; but humans are different and difficult as seeing sickness and inclined to wish-think it away; however, no amount of gripes change minds and father is indebted and thus father must kiss the grim-reaper. we permit the moon to stay vigil but daily the sun must shine while waves are settled in oceans. our situation has become its width where we might feel inclined to sing for something that must arbitrate showing wisdom—while most hate therapy and disapprove of courts where life isn’t as pleasant as those earlier years—but the hell with aids for something terrific is occurring: that man that bestial un-relinquishing man might surrender his ghost!

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...