Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Christmas

The day begins with silence and rain chimneys and fireplaces. The Retriever is quiet and watchful and amused. It feels like Christmas.

I muse upon others secluded in my mind but a slight under-chuckle. The years have been medium, the tiles have been faithful, where floorboards have been vigil.

There’s music in us as it resounds while miracles come slowly.

Turkeys are baking. Aromas are wafting. While Love looks lovely. This place in my thoughts this symphony in our opera even a house with a neighboring kitchen. To adore something by mere science to deduce a person’s capacity where someone else laid the footwork. But today is thankful the sun is thankful and the pavement is giving praise; but something is a bit shady even a bit askew while we sacrifice and witness to something quite remarkable. Little Suzie is alphabetical, Little Timothy passed a Spelling B, and Tanya just passed her Bar Exam. We celebrate our goodness we sense something sweet as we add a little something to our morning tea. While the couch sits at peace and articles of clothing are flung and someone is fleeing particular anxieties. The cellar spiders are vibrating the dog is now barking and Little Henry wants to taste a bit of something grown—those nectar charms this semi-wrestle, or this fake-out: a bit of coffee, if but to feel older, while reality is musical.

I reminisce upon smoky fumes where stench would trickle that odor from strong cheap vodka. But such outstanding habits so mature about adult-life so skilled and honoree. I see elders at something we can’t color this deep appreciation for Good Times while so rich it aches. I see talisman bibles and unlit candles—those that have been around close to a decade. I see a baby crawling looking and chuckling while attempting to eat anything. I see overprotective fathers and casually observant mothers and this scent to perish in oceans. An elder speaks and we listen and there are more people than seats. We huddle on the porch, the rain is so delicate, and our sensorium has become this ghetto terrific.

I envision poverty and reasons for thankfulness at this technical plurality; our sons and daughters our need to create memories and our hopes for a forged tomorrow; a little ham for Gentiles or kosher meats for Jerusalem but human instincts for one and all; maybe a resolution or maybe a busy schedule but nothing too much as missing Thanksgiving. Our proud hearts depending so much upon improbability or remaking mathematical proofs; to romance our stations as never ashamed of our families where reality says, "Glenn, this is a little too gray"; indeed, our wishes our delicate Apple Cider, our internal helicopter; so chromatic such an effusion and whirling into orbits—to adore as such to love where orchestra is life and studies are first kinship; a prime example, even exemplary participants, while children are arguing over Hamlet. This outstanding Thanksgiving Christmas those sips the young may encounter where mother admonishes such pranks; our hearts warm with deeds, our souls filled with stuffing, and our minds fraught by tomorrow.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...