need to believe if but for survival if but to remap this travail and panic; as
something subtle at arrival a new feeling while I shouldn’t but I thought
sexually; this deep defensiveness this catering hippopotamus alongside this estuary
elephant; our bloody linen this massacre on Third Street at medium blue
orchids. But life has been gray and Love looked like licorice and pain patted
my pyramid; those dark kangaroo beliefs where if I’m not master I can’t
associate with you; but Jesus magenta and pregnant beautiful women and light too
bright to digest; indeed as flowing forever or too torturing to divest while
existence becomes peculiar; that is to suggest, this space in minds where sheer
agony becomes us living life; this adversity to calmness this treasure in
misery while dying Love seemed defeated but terrific; our casual
disappointments this tale about rabbits or those green succulent apples; to
remember scripture at incomplete times when soothing comforts are not
necessarily what a poet is looking for; our cautious chaos our feral phantoms
at something in Christ needing clarity; so steep into darkness a purgatorial
reaper at tragic trenches and adoring something angry; our bad behaviors so
destroyed by dungeons if but this woman or this refilmed diary; for mother
upchucked the ghost and father released his mist where something deceased in
running ramped in our brains.
come from dysfunction and ever so adorable while so kind it might seem
offensive. We carry something too engrained for loss and terror while
terrified, nonetheless. This rage for someone we’ve felt or this undergoing of
radical energies at some beautiful Swedish African; so uncured or so unlatched
while rewound in time suffering a panic in there; those days gazing at you or
those nights conjuring images while too disappointed to pursue more than what
we possess; for winter is so close and Love is so close while something sudden
wouldn’t give us time to heal; this leaping mystical those mythical romances
while one might be inclined to discount Cleopatra.