Saturday, November 16, 2019

I Must Confess: Some Folks get it Right: This Leaves Others with a Deficit

I’ve seen public faces this dance this tepid aloof dance. I’ve eaten frustration the gristle of raw anger those tendencies bleeding. I’m pliable rubber in such agreement while unborn but living. Those thoughts leaking even actualization leaking while more too honest to speak it. Such awakened possibilities but never those palms while I feed and feed upon distresses; our mistaken massacres our embarrassed spirits while so far from Love time is moving backwards; our humiliated skies our deeper antiquities so rich a little musical house—at dreams confused to wonder so dearly if it can’t be why such torture? Those captions in blood those walls by greater men at something feeling indecent; this filthy mop as over all that would be while such stench wafts into corridors. Such polemical hostility so arranged to hear our voices while it gets difficult at times; those reflectors such sweet aroma while drinking a chunk of coals—to whisper softly, to alight from one’s horse and we pretend no one is looking.

I’ve reenacted railways trekking silent sediments our palms filled with earth. I’ve listened to ink so surprised by its openness at seconds dealing with an innocent stranger. This lecture in me those devoid lights in me while reality is losing her war.

A camera is never harmless we drift grow old and reminisce; as dead to life or broken to brittles at bark and bone and behavior; that chairman of screams or that chairwoman of dreams while wishes are becoming intimate; many elbows to tables and many charms to ears while an elderly woman has lost her story; such aphorisms and art or such dying but extant while a rose by any other name becomes foreign; such chromatic carrots or romantic attentiveness while many men are forced into effacements.

I sat there in eye chatter or some thought that hit while feeling cut into rebuffed mirrors. This reality we rebox those crayons we melt or those pages we mark. Every step is magnified at winds carrying whispers while a good friend one in many. Something strikes it breeds it has become those thought-banks. (Too eccentric to lose, but too common just to win).

It requires a few more deaths a few more sacrifices at something we believed was its last straw; a few more wishing-beans a few more yellow-brick-roads or a few more situations feeling left out; as missing key ingredients while walking frustration where in reality they didn’t include us; we just popped up attempting to fit in while they noticed something different; this Riddler run, where a man desires Catwoman, but Batman has her gimmick; this space with Joker this futile and flippant flute—for multiplication but so many mortuaries while Mandela was just born—in this age of pluralities this beast where wrong is negotiable and goodness makes a man heavy; those sunrays as never by discrimination but the purest element this side of California.

I start to wonder about this intense feeling where two people are apart in the same exact mood; this trippy coincidence or this mystery wand while Love felt good a man jumped up and ate reality; such lucent, resplendent cries, such great granduncle gifts, while sourness becomes bitter and immerging clarities are quickly made into fixtures (sconce).          

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...