Saturday, November 30, 2019

Running Born Endless

so sudden into heart-wires 
so consumed by relatability or
so thrown and wrapped where tongues mourn reality; so cuffed by us so allergic to us while I’ll never breathe essence into us; this cut cord those porcelain sinks as bashed and broken at abandoned homes;
this elastic chair those elastic musicals at mud beating pure soil;
our tobacco boxes our cars that
cigar aroma and our feet afraid it might not run; at colors unbeknownst at negative temperamental and unachieved—this person so lit it was fire and so dead it rumored its breath—as kleptic vandals laughing aftermath
too pure to become holy; this mixed raven-heart, those darkened blackish gusts, so frozen a lake at a psych’s doorposts; if but this wall-rug that mystique hand this land by flame and oxygen; rewound into mother’s haven this wombic cave at this one laborious and gangly tenet; to want like life this music as it erupts to taste and dance and enter like a maniac;
our shattered palms our mothers terrified or this area
so accursed the police are violent;
a dying man or a lying lullaby so
close to winning; to have thought in us conniption to have seen something he must not speak or alive and laughing while friends feel obvious; this core born heart this mythical magical makeup while I believe something so steep knows to haunt good weather.

I know for decency but this fire was lethal it consumed and became genetics;
as fevered arcs or fragile bark so arranged such agenda to plot from terrific quarters; those red chandeliers this heirloom hostility at coarser deserts and chapped throats; that deep damp those soot lungs
in caves and swarming with flies;
this damaged fury into something precious to love and adore and cherish; to fathom and leave to need and suffer while it wouldn’t sustain its months; this un-bricked fortress this battle upon castle-village as something so gorgeous a man becomes crazy;
those endless realities this esoteric few while something is deathly at tension; aching and batty upon marble vows while sunk into higher morals; these I love this flame I surrender while years are running into absence.

our graves adjacent to souls while one
lingers and chuckles; banshee chains those realist reigns
as devastated and needing to palm our cries; this
unreal sanity so near it boasters while feelings unwax and fire forth;
as critical souls, so charged by us, if
but to die looking soul to brains; so
captive in unreality so fantastic about reality
and endless to perish our gulf.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...