Saturday, November 16, 2019

Behavioral Poverty

Hush little baby don’t say a word, mommy’s going to buy you a mockingbird…

Those gentle nights as refused panic accursed and destined if but those cocaine palms.

Our passionate and distilled and devastating legacies: our distinct persons if but romantic blame so positioned against pond mirrors.

I know so little about those jungles or I know too much to feel untroubled.

…such silent wings while preferring tragedy, if prepared, if gifted, but it doesn’t work that way. It comes while looking. I was so present: I had the deepest hunch….

There are miles to tread or diamonds to unearth.
Our mind-caves and soil our pitchforks and shovels or those stadiums watching.
A man by his wounds at something he needed where a cultic art supplied his
I admire symbols they have become mnemonic or something pleasing at points. But some are endless they cement in brains as ferric features. Those memory gardens as walking to see life where an image resurrects father. A man might cringe at something gutting his facial or intestines boiling like chitlins—this arc inside conjured by an adamant source while commandeered or re-directed. Those hull experiences or this magnet fate where one might realize something is different. Our impressions are altered. Our personality is balanced. But this feeling is indifferent to evaporation. Nor has one complained: Neither is one emphatic: Most importantly, one doesn’t blame society.

I thought about love. I fell into love. But I have yet to unravel love. This fair and blatant creature. She never hides. In fact, she screams and wails until her presence is realized.

But if souls are unpolished—if there was an impoverished example—or if love was considered something uncouth to most while normal to some—love is then unsafe for mis-structured.

We have examined so little with this evidential curse where we desire in our reasoning to elucidate substance. But the message is behavioral poverty and the result is something unclear. While consensus is by example, many do not fit, wherefore, existence isn’t as fulfilling. We might participate, or even find joys, but our receptors remain clogged. It is never as it is, or as it should be, especially, in cases of trauma. But a person can learn to function at a high capacity. This becomes puzzling, for perceptions are different, where early orientation is fundamental to a high functioning pleasure center.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...