Thursday, November 21, 2019

Religion becomes Science

about portals but guilt and viewing at triumph but pain; to lose sanity or to forfeit normality where most are so desperate to achieve balance; this cultural community this essence in pure mauve at violet streaks racing through charms; so ruined inside or such a countenance inside where rich feelings are suffocated; the lea and leaf those fungi and frogs while a poet is composing a concerto; to remain close to orientation so conformed by melody at something too engrained to fight its force; our baffling hours our glass with prints our DNA so spiritual; at boredom but arriving at Love but misunderstanding while it’s hard to relate to something adoring this poet. I sputter and reclaim the wheel at fortunate fate or fortuitous preparation; as once ungoverned or chaotic while life was spinning her galaxies; so sudden to read it so aglow to decode it while Love is something different; to need such emotion to ask for such torture while a man is too indelicate to win Jerusalem; this interior guesthouse those portraits where a man might if Love is ecstatic; this grave with inscription this early arrival a man pacing his plot. 
…so low you are or so melodramatic at theatre and travail; our work as adults flowered into fire alive but dead and feeling marvelous; this chasing ache this dice farewell at colors and rice and feuding eternity; our connexion so devastated our dinner so aloof while picking over peas and corn; needing pure infinity and requiring destiny so to elope our eyes wide open. This Ghost is purity but this energy is magnificent while courage took hope and made music; our minds erasing our recollection effaced where Love damaged our perspective; such spirit speculation such sells in scripture while one suggests a tiny motivator; those days at regrets this guilt as vehicle while a deadman is a bit more receptive….

…something by which I hunger more a mere child fiddling centipedes or aware of something within; we must for truth this essence so pure most of them were raised with; it becomes science we devoid it of supernatural concerns and we teach it to our children; it becomes common its looking like humans we even call to it by chemistry; this actualized permeance this realized nearness while luster and levitation become adolescent; something wants me, this becomes our toon, it seems evident it becomes knitted by our desires; but so cold those dice and shivering in summer while arranged to dis-permit anything from leaping….

…it becomes wonder or spectacular impression by which a soul argues for longevity; our rules concerning our beliefs our tunnels trying connexion and our recollection becoming our presence; so unawaken so anti-those-people or such an inrush undercurrent—those thunder born fevers or this essence as shared to wonder would everyday be so alive; this different frequency this raging encouragement where this becomes two underpinning realities; so flushed by you but leery of this trail while early on trust was kneaded, and for some, quite appropriately….

we conclude after saying so little while many laid claim to definitions; letters become realities where feelings are absolute while emotion must be concrete; our unsure planet but shore to sand if but to relax while Love provoked an electric company; our fluttering breaths, our canvas in hertz, so terribly unrealized—at dreams or tensions unstudied by axioms.     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...