Monday, February 10, 2020

The Garden was Uprooted

into archives or such foul responses at something iron-completeness; such tender bleeding, such alienation, while one is fitting a stereotype; such stigmata at dear escapades while viewed so crookedly; reading Ecclesiastes or running into snow-covered-deserts while something is inside—this phantom-blanket those rosewood eyes while I can’t escape your fasts; this filmed contradiction where it becomes nonchalance if but to fuse with blue ribbons; those casual dismissals into fair teal creatures but a symbol stagnated at gates.
so curious to adore while deaths angered if but to imagine a fence leaning;
those bold green eyes a man’s sanction where pain was rubies;
our mild voyage our imaginary carriage while Elisha was
screaming; this mental kingdom this fretted gut into science but unsatisfied; inscription to brains or ecstasy by challenge such cured unreality.

those morbid feelings those excruciating emotions while it never registers without a formal location; our tuxedo-thoughts to encounter voltage while needing and begging comic liaisons; so entangled but oh so lost where it felt heaven while sacred—this curve in balls this discipline in rage where destiny became southern silk.

those apogee webs those furious survivors at something circumstantial; to cleave for essence or to die encyclopedias where passion unearthed graves; to look closer while we do it differently where ground-breakage becomes cultural rivalry.
never by touch the feral truth where aces battle sorrows.
                                                                                                so esoteric those cries to dream by seams into absent lights; this sheer deficit or congenial misery while found suitable for attraction; marble skies or talisman irresistibility
so close to agonies; this flipped river those cringing horizons while rainbows are vomiting.

so unlatched at ebony sinners to run into fields painted by sediments; sipping inheritance or sold on perfection where slight deviation means unworthy; this complete saga this irrational peace where it doesn’t matter as it feels so enchanting; a man to his mirage or ferns unpruned at lakes amid an ocean hoax; our pavement galaxies our torn fragrances where realism is an apple; this aged solicitation this comforting disaster while it feels good to push upon necks.

it becomes us to flee or to fly upon fringes or ghosts; so precious in that second or so real in my absence to live with this person; to soar at heights to haven in orbs or to sing in penalties; to adore by impulse to feel or restructure in a given embrace; this excellence with flaws this courage with graves at something so terrifically horrific; by a tree weeping or listening as nature weeps so influenced by rebellion; this path to sanity this adjustor of the countenance while fettered or fevered but churning by developments.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...