Sunday, January 26, 2020

When Tables Grow Weary

Tell me locations into seafaring eyes as we dine upon fury. Tell me methods and periodicals or articles split by motion. Tell me it gets better while we die where hope is a glass of blood. Tell me darkness unveil its source as we cleave to insanity. Indeed, tell me lies and keep many secrets and when time comes disclose our universe.

The seagull was nigh. The banister was wobbly. The chair was mahogany.

Into rendezvous or renaissance or something prestigious; those inside galleries—inside our brains—while we muse upon skylights; such deeper atonement such rich abrasiveness while one grades our literature. It is an antiphon or more an anthem so caged in by silence; such inward singing such sounds exploding where our condition is taboo; to live encased in something unexplained while labelled or downsized; it kills wilderness it explodes reasoning and it touches forbidden realms. This displaced agenda those offhand remarks where one needs to know your name; this feather in trunks this sneeze such mucus while arriving as one incomplete; but it wasn’t by choice neither shall I forfeit it or ever but utterly that curse.

I wrote love-letters; I tuned mandolins; indeed, I was evilly honest to self…so quilted in time so excused through facts where most are not interested; our biggest let down, inside pure grayness, realizing—many are unconcerned; such devastation while I try desperately as needing this un-chanted negotiation.

The ambiance is the apparition wherefore perception is cloven wires.

I sensed familiarity into silence unbeknownst where Agony is intimate with features; such unspoken rapport such intimate gallantry while disputing tacit axioms; but a subtle convincing or a mincing of realities while I noticed blackness; such monographed feelings, to need a kind of converse, where something elicited is gratified. But we find seashells as echoing silence or this whoosh in our brains.

Such credence in few such radiant beauty in politeness such secret cultism; our milieu is phantom—our curse is openness—our joys are closing gates; so many as apprentice where mastery is required at terrible concerns. Such indigo plants such florescent deepness while uncured or gunning into terrific ambiguity; at rich shrapnel at abyss-city while losing something too dear to reknit.

It would cave-in or soar gently right before his eyes; she would unchamber essence or act so cryptic into crevices meant for intimacy; so numbing in us or so curious in us while we never quite relate in us; a teardrop to sanity, an abstract art, such nectar for one restricted.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...