Monday, January 27, 2020

Hedges & Twigs: Acquired Souvenirs

(It was life after death. Those figs and loquats. Or dusty delusions and dirty. If to sing acapella means to stand lonely than many will join the choir.)

—I sat upon a settee. It felt like a divan. I then reached for an ottoman of books—

It felt like March while listening to sounds at the end of January. I remembered deer eyes, crow eyes, even unseen eyes. I browsed a catalogue, looking at a tuffet, and wondered about tomorrow: this timeless funeral those timeless emotions while we kneel near a monks’ bench. Days have been silent and feelings have been sharp and most are wondering about today.

I walked along a highway. Birds were swooping and air-swashing. But something was there: a poker-table a wine-rack, plus, someone’s chitzsu.

Later I awoke.

Those washed palms those screaming palms the travesty they’ve felt.

It would be years until I saw into something roughly gray; to have experienced someone to have mortar beneath nails where one argues to convince us: not by tragic-star but more surrender by a location that kills us; over coffee and cakes to evince something imaginary as if to un-pit something dormant: here’s a bag of flies, they will live forever, just give me your word; or here’s a dying legacy, and there is your child, what means more to you?

Later I saw wild feelings.

There is an outside banshee running with cobras both rattling and jingling chains.

It was seconds before explosion—those familiar questions—when one has provoked unstable circumstances: “Are you alright? Are you different? Have I done something?” Such embarrassed guilt where clarity says its justice but life would imagine one as crazy. The goal is utter control that deeper control such as only by utter submission.

Later I went to sleep.

Dreams turned to tremors, a voice slipped its reign, while a mother watched and listened; those rustic utterances those myriad tongues at both casket and castle; by registered paintings onto calmness exquisite after something hitting its high notes; as creatures unsung while we gnaw skies both found clothed and naked.

Inrushing doubts or a need for disconcertion at valleys and hills or landscapes and screams; by cadent doors or by candent fires at such flaming metals.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...