Sunday, January 19, 2020

We Hunt for Mayberry

Love selected us this odd assertion for she desired to unlock sooner.

Those railways those hall-breakers or doors so vast sight becomes blurry; this religious atmosphere throttled by scientific knowledge where intelligence wrestles to maintain something holy; our slight war into something grimacing while demons are flooding into foci; our angel-faces so discarded where a man is shoveling trash-debris; this wreckage-yard our metaphorical clowns at series or dice rolling into unlucky sevens; a mind-bender an I.Q. Test or flimsy agency.

It was late in temperature or early in obligations while a man was feeling disaster. The moon was distressed where fear was heavy and a woman might feel uncertain. We had crossed forbidden terrain. The hills were enveloping. Or mudslides were becoming quicksand. I spoke strongly—I do not trust you—but mania heightened our reception. Mother’s mother was quite passive, even more accepting, where a daughter has rights! This hectic millipede those outstanding cheetahs while mother was running towards a future lover. Naturally, blackness is confrontational, where blackness has always been under scrutiny—but so many desire to entertain with blackness. These things we ignore, these labels we subsume, if blackness becomes those characteristics. But mother was frightened, insomuch as there was much in transition, plus, many will love you while nothing is confronting or rubber-banding the relationship. It is a casual affair, a lucky affair, or something giving more than it takes. This is bonus when a partner is flowering and cascading and treating the beloved as if perfection had become human; our arts were nonexistent, our music was sensual, our measures were things or albums upon repeat; we possessed elements, plus, grandfather was passive presence, while daughter was life unto its whimsies; indeed, no training, nothing moralistic, but sheer instinct, as never with sacrifice. This was us, bidding to deceive humanity, or bidding to manipulate the gods: our needs for excitement or our wants for arousal where others were welcomed to hide and visit in the margins: (or to demand loyalty while freedom was liaisons and life was sweet entertainment). It was destined to fail. It was easy to voyage. It was life to embark upon our sufferings.

In its aftermath, one is proud of something uncertain, to need emphatic proof, or sullen into darkness. I was once a puppy lost in mother’s gaze while training to become something fragile: our needs for structure, our battlefields for pride, where most are pure and uncircumcised arrogance. I imagine telic heart-skies or grounded insecurities while just hanging-out has become the norm. —for days were observation into lakes filled with turmoil while faraway creeks promised more sorrow; our habits as creatures, our selfishness until deaths, at others laughing and playing our guitars— (we hunt for Mayberry, we clutch major ideals, but often people are not equipped to make their children satisfied).   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...