Saturday, January 4, 2020

Unknitting but Reviewing Redeeming Tragedy

such small torque sudden into ignition or tortured by silence; by rubescent screams such passionate ruth but so improper at parallels; to keep a man fetching those feral dreams where intention is postmodern; those cabinets or drawers such rich decisions while bathing in sulfur.

            I have nurtured silence as an unspoken creature accruing ulcers.
some uncaptured feeling aching into marrow or seeping into sociality; or firebrand trickling upon a gentle island while time has become deceptive; such rabid emotion so tortured but sweet too unnecessary to lay its claim. those cavelike dungeons those protruding antennae while we nurture plankton; but a remote kindling or purple horizon while everything appears differently.

            I was averse to thoughts I wrestled willingly but I was untucked by resistance.

while reclaiming self it became apparent this hold this locket or those keys; such exotic skies where pain is joy or melancholia is breakthrough; to arise with you to become torque with you or days in lone-thoughts with you; but trembling or shaking while these signs become evidential; so harassed by decencies or so secluded from embarrassment while tugging illusion; those swift winds as deeper cadence while personality becomes priestly: something remains true this interior mechanism while she never tries but men fall enlove.

I do exaggerate for brain-fire becomes receptivity’s food; while Adored is thought-water, but cascading helium, a man becomes a floating object; so easy to speak of aesthetics, or delicate tendons or that space between legs when knees meet; or long mane flowing into divinity or artistic-cultivated hips; but nay, a rarer gift one born of turmoil one too heavy for most men; or passion by heart to infuse but die while eyes shiver but rolling into those seconds; indeed, those mind-works, those finished charms, such torque by flame.

I was stressed by reasonability sunk low for patience when I felt a certain feeling.

those tears have smiled they tell allegories or sullen to sing silence; our callous happenstance this incredible portrait while many do not take to tragedy; but dearer creatures as thrown by whales or swallowed arriving on land—this rich affinity those stages fraught by rain at wisdom knitting our miseries; such by aura if but so sensitive to become but fever; such delicate survival as seagulls circle while abstracts were never so intriguing; to know total disdain as if frequencies were awry while finding pleasure in something unstable; this crucial layer those ironic feelings where a man has noticed her body.

such fragility in souls reborn but at life breaking freedoms; so arranged to unknit, while beauty muses, so relentless such emotion; to cascade by concentration, but, too, those regions, while so intimate with life; indeed, worth more than admiration, worth something seemingly unholy, while a man endures his tragedy.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...