Monday, June 7, 2021

Most Seek Grouping


so much courage too underestimated by tender grief not of rank. I wrestle this mongoose I parade this cobra as a sick soul made sullen with remorse as a first child. sure into friction soundless flame by heart to find certainty. never as we expected never as we screamed while made so sour. a thief running a tulip interrogating a polygraph for insecurities. so announced inside hearing whispers aside where some herbs must be investigated.


loving some version of a person some mountain of a believer two plates heavy with instigation. much a fever those cries as much forgiveness for defensiveness while one made certain feelings.


have we watched it—pure aggression—with so much compromise it feels like a guillotine? have we sought cake or given vinegar while little black kids eat pig feet?


it was pain at a planet deep-interior-flame. a photo explained it—it broke science, some elements are just about healing.


cherry lips by banana eyes so perky so aloof most men are gripping foreheads. an antique moral, an interior ethic, with life compromising those wings. too close to withstand such dear science while chemistry is inside; a want to intrigue a palatial burning for sex, while needing secure haven. a clown at work, a jararaca in brains, so sensitive to debt by loneliness. as needing a break rebuilding a mansion certain into a ghostly sunrise. if to find you, we assert pure ecstasy, while you might want but not demand.


so cautious many caves outlined resisting graves; a bullet in mind a fret in terror so much gut to adore you.


by intra-sentences or demanding intimacy or nonchalance – facing crucial hills or wrestling coyotes at wolves presuming midday lusts.


if company dispels reputation, as seen in goodness, then company must vanish. trying so desperately if but to master images by knitting so courageously; so fragmented, by lakes of youth, so eloquent as we die; by force or Scientology or Catholicism—as eyes need deeper interpretation.     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...