Friday, July 3, 2020

The Error Became Its Solution

I dissolve a planet I engage a cosmos so tender those arrangements: a daughter at roses, a mother at jamesias, a granny so into voodoo. to sense with deaths or longing for life while something was attracted—a far channel this deep understanding while getting a little wisdom! a palmed tomato a bit of lettuce a ghetto salad. I laugh a walk further, I comb certain memories, I can see utter intoxication. (it slumbers its speech to staccato a demand while asserting the pause is irritating. so much to die for where a thought is interrupted for an ashtray just hit its wall.) so much averted to mother. so much away from mother. where a soul procreates with mother. (by tender insouciance or drilling pavement where a man is so damn heavy. it means little, while facing decimation, where a soul aches for anything different. to sky-climb or to go so deep where a precious baby carries a cross: thus, a mind, whereas, it was, or, furthermore, it has to become; at parachutes, or looking into missiles, while it was hard to ignore stealth: a growing machine or a slight secret—they often can’t see it! to say it in a whisper or to live affected as so changed it feels good to relive. maybe a book, a few chapters, or memory down its river. I search our onus or debate what took place, what others do vitiate the potency of your infractions: those days one’s creeks, the brook as witness,

where one announces such deep immunity. I would go sickly into a damn coma if I had a brother go through my fate: as days are kangaroos such raw kicking or a cheetah settling into vexation or an ape laughing like crazy is illegal. but a delirious soul but a purposed soul while it must be a miracle: as combat is eternal, in a land of humans, where even totality is insecure. to endure human proclivity is to scar a bubble where a man hides in order to review cognition—so gone into a portal while remaining so lost where a soul rakes a tower of concrete pebbles; but a woman as she evolves—if but to adore—might break realities to pass you glitter: as charms or anklets or aglets on suffering—so far extinct but a release into spirits while one battles with capitalization’s!

Between Properties

    I often mistaken by an assumption. I often die during a feeling. It’s not what it is, as to prove relentless, it’s what it feigns to mim...