Saturday, July 18, 2020

Talkative Ants Crawling Winds

the inly abode those screams such pagan merchandise; to sway in lines to curve a curb while alive but dying. Love needed spaces or sure acceptance where nothing could ever be wrongness; such freedom to exist with a dear promise as nothing could sever the black moon. those bosky woods or mage minds so alert to something asunder—those days it was special our lakes so golden our words made by rubies; if but to adore as to beseech at crimes to prove desolation.     I exit self, in order to locate essence, I seem to fail; for so much is given, by ways to cherish, while the graveyard is sensual sacrifice. we strike fury while meads churn so nocuous so un-behaved where it feels something like fire—those houses aflame those cities misidentified while chasing the midnight sun. or by a plash of beauty to need to feel collected while conforming to one’s own hurt—as facing rebels or surrendering one’s camel where mammon is a destitute arrangement—at eyes laughing or emotion eroded while so dear to celebrity; so plumbless those trenchant mistakes as a soul so flipped it starts to become internal distance—to sail by faith or to wait forever while one becomes such stony walls: as magic was sweet, it felt good to read, but it hasn’t changed not even an iota. as such a creature where less than death moves nothing those refulgent trumpets; so loud so unsteady while Love swore to reap where particles become misery. so sea-girt or flippant something sassy something uneasy by incredible brushfires; to fumble by thoughts or to act impetuously while another must discover, address, or forgive. as ill-fated a star-crossed soul where loving someone doesn’t necessity a pleasant experience; but to dare in forests as trekking steep soil-beds, becomes a guarantee of how to realize determination: such climbing, or aching, or scars!     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...