Saturday, July 25, 2020

Sometimes We Visit Others From Home

the softer touch upon a whisper such tender visitation. we war sorely so afraid of our habits or needing validation; someone to value us or nurture our insecurities or plain speak this chemistry. I wasn’t courted for that. where orangutans share fruit. or lemurs bat eyes. I was so designed for complexities or destined for something lonely; where a person is different, no more to explain, but this is dishonesty.     such resonance or pictured electricity while we remain somber. our first chalice our dear associations or a sudden intoxication; our Marley days sung softly, our religiosity jettisoned, in exchange for essence over hierarchy. but monads or atomic pegs while I can’t see what I assert is there. our deity surrendering(s) or determinists hearts, for participation wouldn’t have permitted such plagues; to nurture instincts so subtle into spaces while fretted for something, it aches!     I don’t see that way, where everything is as designed, but I believe in Christ. this makes me a creature, a nonconformist, an iconoclast, or some confused person, for to partake is to accept the whole entrĂ©e, correct?     nay!     I’m eclectic or some thespian where sheer experience means too much!     we run a risk or something grandiose while illness is nothing but! or deeper depression, while one visits, where another has been at it so long. to adore his principle, she might anchor his heart, where chakras are flooded to alter his elevation.     this word comes to me, it lives as an incentive, such meraki from my guts! to need with vengeance to vex like living or to feel so challenged; but life is not a riddle or a casket, it’s a gradual mystery unfolding; it requires patience, discipline, or something so hard to acquire, interior, painful ass honesty!            

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...