Saturday, July 25, 2020

Cares For An Hourglass

I took for granted these values we voltage so arranged to seek arts; the value of arcs or cursed in muscle such gristle to dive into cherries; soul management such greed while alive an old feeling; to disappear of chalice a vest as such definition     the ultimate battle those rendering fruits as patience was undiscovered; such green lenses or nectar raw while trust was given too freely; the mind as it shivers or ruts as harmony while most feel passion with basics.     I couldn’t rebuke it. it was wired differently. but oh so much to seek it.     those allergies or asthma so Asiatic     into damages or wreckage where I mailed to the churchyard. at subliminal(s) those years too sly to succeed too persistent to die; those years those walls while it hurts to remember extant traumas.
by parts or particles walking or kneeling the garden is unsafe. it kills its essence. it’s low in its chakras. where most watch the falling effigy. if but a song with a key where it becomes a strength. as souls would contend or one is lonely while trampled as such a willow. the rug is thrown out the skies are overthrown such as silence might deliver; too much a gift or too much a phantom where it swoops or swooshes as sudden to reappear.
it might be ecstatic come youth. or it may be intoxication if stable. but most are tired, too sick to combat, or too dissolved to do this one more round. as moving vatic cries or plangent seas where sharks are watching, waiting, or wiggling. so determined, or so driven, where some are dying. so vague so re-valued, or so unvetted!     

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...