Wednesday, June 10, 2020

While Human Hands Are Visible

I fret condition, or sweet kindness, or anything agonizing actively. we try to feel us or to redeem qualities while it’s hunch or facts. the warm assertion or confined in books while nuances anger. the mountain in me the hiking in you we’ve stumbled into a foreign forest. I make assessments. they come by instincts, assembled via experience. (it used to seem innocuous when comparisons were absent while contradiction was tucked in a treasury box: those morning jinn(s) or evening crocheting or the tinkering perceptions. to locate one’s self, was an unlikely task, for irritation was instrumental: a person becomes something, but not by choice, not by a conscientious platform. instead, one becomes ripples or multiplicities or pieces of every hurtful person.) to distress by entrance or to sail serene surprises insofar as determining surreal abstracts: the cage he’s in, it’s a similar face, while is appears faceless.
the alley cats as they roam streets, we sense something feral. such as human distinction our whiskers set to attack, we find displeasure in newness: the strange skies or human islands at such agreeable loneness. one is suspicious, another is hectic, while neither unveil their guard: such us or them, such controlling elements, where to accede is to feel conquered. so, participants resist or gnaw while distressors are raw: by interior determination or caricature battles as backing away while advancing. surefire debates or categorical imperatives as souls fretting each signal.
I flit in order to fly or scud and slide. such flame near you such dear sacrifice while rarely for a stranger! linen seems curious walls have binoculars or phones have skills: by powers in us or souls favored by features, where talents are praised once witnessed. the circle we have as so meshed into its reality, we unravel just enough: the need to assert, the protection of personhood, or so much invested in activity. our railroads our tarmac or mortar by ponds; our tadpoles or morphing frogs or the Princess and Prince.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...