Thursday, June 11, 2020

What’s The Name Of Your Vitamin?

I disappear roaming mind or thrust by nonexistence. such penalty such screams at jeans laughing. years into it, so much trauma, while a face keeps popping up. somewhere in youth so accredited while I can’t fathom—those alleys those bikes those homes!     it was a dream as to witness blackness as to come knocking at my soul. such chills or tremors or so misinformed.     if but to gather, maybe a tun of diamonds, if but to hold your confidence.     so lost those days or so falsely crucified while this is normality.     I sense energies as I muse to get a glimpse of a present dreamscape. so found in an instant or relocated in a second where humans shift from maze to dazing. so fragile trying like Jesus if but more strength: deprived at a moment, heart so empty, where it seems like excavation; by freedom machines or cantankerous silhouettes in so much to drag that little person outbound. (if but to meet him as listening to whining to exploit such consciousness; if to love you, where it never violates, such cherries or soda pop; but never enough while left where found as a damn puppet.) to fill bags, to open gates, or to kick science dead in its ass. (so much by freedom! it’s hard, it plummets, it pillages. to break chains to die in resurrection while unfolding or landing where kittens seem so important. by fields into mythos or bandages while bleeding at some sheet speaking superior destiny. if to see more if to awaken early while life is quite serious: such baffling behavior while culprits giggle as expected to be cordial: for ambiguity is pivotal, it directs behavior, where if concrete is absent a response is delayed.)       

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...