Thursday, June 18, 2020

Poet’s Divisional

I would angelize a woman, sweet suffocation, while nothing is holy; not through bone nor character to scrape ashes or sip pollution so invited to hate ourselves: sour haze rotten perfection where one might baptize fury: the language of dogs the valley of guts such syrupy corruption—to bleed movements to grip his brains where fading seems so natural. I would see bread aside wine where its survival meant belief. by benthos or Jewish determination to outwit infection—so veined in blood so crooked by face where something debilitates a man: her cogent flesh; her galling wit; her affectionate grief. so tender to man such daughters in flurry to bend a flute or grapple a knife while anger just prunes her beats; such shapings as surrender while unsettled by defeat: the angelized human, those graphic rulers, with knuckles knotted or knitted to physics. to retype software with nothing but vision at needs to set the precedence: time into space or meta-daughters into violence where it seems like father’s vehemence: by audience to live, by communion the last breath, or devoid of everything one ever believed in; upon a tablecloth, into a daughters eyes, such sour tasting revenge: our guts trailing, the coyote vigilant, the daughter hypersensitive; a man as shadows to overbear reality or so much nerve as to oust an owl where mind is hawking Sirach.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...