Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Temple Is Different


it’s confusing to see—to inherit desires, so disparate, unique, alike. I, too, need closure, quite irrelevant, because most are hurting.

the fury drives many.

it’s morning. voltage is low. I awoke with inquiry—a subtle irritation, probing meaning, delight, immovability.

I could settle on love—quite arbitrarily—quite ironically, quite self-sustainingly.

another ideal—something impermanent, something self-imposing.

quite valid—a mandala—a mandolin—so self-possessing.

to love an adversary; to turn the other cheek; despite, evidence—pointing to survival.

if higher stature would resist—even an ideal, with training, education, How have many a chance?

some things cannot be proven—intuition makes them viable, to admire, plus, dislike, it gets confusing.

an incident will enhance mobility, deplete faith, or leave behind ambivalence ...

for there is ever a complaint: “It isn’t done right. I do it like this.” or flat out: “I just don’t like you.”

these become viable reasons—if to discount—with a person trying to win favor—at his on displeasure.

some complaints are made viable, arbitrarily—with pain wrapped around lint.

the fur of the unyielding—by a deep uneasiness—most likely—with reflection; as reflexive souls, roaming cues, tampering, tweaking perception—in love with agonies.  

Perceptual Design

      Upon a flat line or soaring into skies. At least by assertion. And asking for grace, seducing complication, weeping heart mercy.  Love...