Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Rooted In Soil


shifting through graphics, photogenic trauma, it goes unspoken: fevers in feelings, musky fragrance, million-mile marches. interior livid, body unsteady, walls closing, pushing, a bright personality, in a darkened room. it seems adjacent to hells, much toleration, a child becomes an observer—more than living. we don’t see media coverage—on psychology—of a thirty-year struggle—the apple, the orange, how they mix, participate, both human fruits. so naïve of me, so challenged in me, such tolerance in me. tugging skies, grappling carnivals, never an interest in redemption, the breakage of the earth. soil rich indifference, lashing out indifference, mad—for colors appear in rhythm. most dangerous berries, most courageous indifference, most vindictive undertones. so abashed at times, rooted in fever at times, as if rules coerce understanding.    

The Psychology of Love

  I remeasure a fact, love must always be rekindled. Such a simple assertion, enwoven with time. Most prominent brow. Neither sad nor happy....