Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Forest Whisper


fire made emblem—seasons with her art, filthy jeans, dirty shirts, so clean, made pristine. inside upheaval, California apricots, deceased, overborne, bled of indecency; kind to wilderness, splayed in twain, lost for the well-beloved. days under a tree, crackling walnuts, eating shewbread—an unleavened soul, a great grandmother, a seed no needs shall efface. pure tangibility, impure tangerines, taut by strings—the family heirloom, crazed eyes, never knew such forest debris. if to adore, or care, without want nor design, to claim more freedom—the travesty of its marriage, or onslaught of illness, such needs to coddle, to feel cuddled, to hear life is worthy of allegiance. softer galaxies, sweeter pies, such tensity in divinity; those NY hips, those Italian cries, to have cursed bleeding skies. wilder excellence, brazen clarity, found, buried, uncouth, undiscovered.

Effervescent Waters

  The maze of an interior thought. The gown upon emotion. Sun signs; moonlit. Feeling aged. With something looming. I wonder if aches are we...