Saturday, December 4, 2021

Antiquity Paints Idealism


I saw a Rembrandt exhibit—a series of portraits of apostles.  

I was chasing holiness those days, maybe now, it tends to become grayness.

several mind-caves, they sprout, slight affection from a pelican.

I was alert, sleeping, walking the city. I made it to a college, fresh from a dungeon, any perception, is a fatal perception. a decent conception, analyzes facts, intuition, it studies its biases.

many minds are traveling uncertainties, parlaying in Alcatraz, roaming through series.

I managed to see a deer, a mockingbird, at a petting zoo. I was indebted to nature, watching a lioness, she seemed lethargic.

it begs a question: Should animals be housed?

zephyrs arose in a garden, a little swirl of underbrush, a leaf felt close to soul.

the circular system is uneasy. most elements have reality. correlation is fraught by wishes. trying to decode meaning, heart warm, trying to decipher the indescribable.

upon a rose, into tropical cities, looking with virtue, upon one dressed in vintage: a bodied dress, flattop Clarks, draped in helium white.

pure illumination in soul, fantasies come to pass, most see something they idealize: perfect beauty, as beauty I’d prefer, wild enough to live modesty.

certain a winsome soul, certain a wilder creature, the effect of seeing what needs protection.

surety in a glance, rivaling for passion, mini-souls fighting to become wholeness.   

Perceptual Design

      Upon a flat line or soaring into skies. At least by assertion. And asking for grace, seducing complication, weeping heart mercy.  Love...