Saturday, December 4, 2021

Beyond Anatomy, Genetics, DNA


at what one screams at, at what is human, nature, proclivity, agitation.

birds windy in highness. bobcats chase about. song souls soar for millennia.

at what it means to feel human—strobe lights, casual encounters, inner rejection.

many costumes—more masks—chess is necessary. (many live in surroundings, fraught with easiness, or loaded with yeast.)

dolphins swarm seas. a small brocket nestles under mother. some souls have never known purity.

at what it means to feel human—sorted by categories, made visible, made pictureless, made prisoner or free.

freshwater mountains—a soul as phoenix—many as innocent as Bambi: running through plains, nibbling flowers, filled with naivety.

if human, one screams, one has decisions.

upon a California finch, or searching through islands, survival of the fittest is determined.

at what it means to be human: skyscrapers as spirits, sullenness occasionally, moved by a myriad of feelings; poised, nonetheless, aware of behavior, deciding where to wear the best mask.

indelible responses, used to assess, knowing humanness based in hegemony/homogeneity: if it is normal, it will do similar as others, if it deviates, something is unusual.

beyond color.

maybe a pet genet, a bottle of chardonnay, a campfire—

at what qualifies as human, beyond anatomy, genetics, DNA.

Perceptual Design

      Upon a flat line or soaring into skies. At least by assertion. And asking for grace, seducing complication, weeping heart mercy.  Love...