Sunday, December 5, 2021

Cloudy, Gray Matter


when a feeling is exhausted, it becomes dull, intolerant of same provocation.  

not a shred of indifference, until indifference, until gears become blinkered.

not a sparkle shall ensue, or polish, a hebetated emotion, just irritability.

a wayward child is first coddled. havoc continues for a time. parents become familiar, frustrated, then indifferent.

but I speak of passion, in arts, in humans, in something called love.

it shears indifference. it adores its beloved. it operates contrary to advice.

to cherish pain, to prance in miseries, to feel a sexual tug. not a twig of evidence, to show goodness, health, wealth

of possession.

into a photo, to harness originality, to gather figs, fruits, humility, harshness;

such casual anxiety, filtered by satiation, to have become what churns in stomachs.

but I speak of passion, compromise, ideals shot at, destroyed, suffering at reality’s hands:

threshed to nothingness, accursed as irritants, searching, longing, screaming!

some existential casket, some metaphysical coffin, torn to love, with reason to die, such beaty is rejection.

Perceptual Design

      Upon a flat line or soaring into skies. At least by assertion. And asking for grace, seducing complication, weeping heart mercy.  Love...