Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Honest Disposition: Topical Unrest


I feel like a watchdog, peering at heaviness, trying to man the fence. it’s more than pain. it sits inside, more than a phantom, we describe it with misnomers. many overarching terms. many unstitched landscapes. I need to grab a pillow, bury my face, and meditate for hours. so needled, so many anchors, I skate moving in 3D. I feel like a parable, upon a backstory, feeling and fretting and fragmented. something is rotting out. something is moving in. this soul is eating marble. I move slowly. I think of an audience. I have much to say, and then I arrive late.


dusky wilderness, myrtle flowers, nightmare diamonds. caves with children, penalties for kindness, there’s an exorcism in Bethany. many dimensions, violet clouds, unclean heaviness. I rethink logistics. I negotiate inner logic. I debate with the overseer in us. I merge through thoughts, lost but located, carrying a new engine. maybe philosophy, or literature—might shift an interior moon.


many are privy to sadness, unbuckled in spaces, taking a sickle to a mental garden.


often, pain is on a pedestal, as a star, as ruling element. so saturnine. so much instability. not as actions, but interior margins. scraping sap. kneading ambition. sore, uneasy, filled with toil to breathe. writing to unglue something, maybe a verb will explode it, maybe insides are nestled in webs.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...