Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Foreign Women: Interior Transmission: Moves


a Lebanon woman, a man with wisdom, a soul worshiping Rumi. those ways are different, Canaanite sexuality, Hittite pride. so much a dreamer, too much a wilderness, I saw a Phoenician by the bar. like too loud, too low, something needs to glisten; an interior prudence, a spirit with radiance, a Sufi’s grenade. too much to walk away too much a pathway, too many diamonds in the slums. many watching many needs clarity many knew his name. known for trillion-dollar tendencies, baby too much, a dream becomes a vision.         


a hard two-toned beauty a man loses his Syria his Iran. cities become Iraq many on laxatives, many vomit if to see it. immigrants touching millions, officials on prowl, many neighbors taking pictures. he had a bag, it was leaking odors, many watched like hyenas. he traveled to NY he was mixing elements, like veins and marrow. some piece of me, some crazy essence, misses meshing in conversation. the rain makes it wet the sink is clogged the door is busy. kept yelling. seeing too many. a helicopter at every angle. a filled trunk. one sees stars, a slug if too resistant.


huge eyes material souls immaterial/fated attraction.

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...