Saturday, October 10, 2020

Terror By Innocence


it shouldn’t be difficult. it really might be easy. if some person in there. (by flame to adore passion such shame while dear attraction.) I have run in you, I have fun in naivety, it’s so hard to die. as a man enlove or core problems, while prevented from love. so much a shrub so deceased in you while so much life in you. such contradiction. it makes little axiom. where walls look like candy. such holds such behavior a man was so damn silly. to frighten while shedding shoulders as abused by a slight recognition. eyes in Gucci or tears in Prada so ashamed of fretting what dies. to lose fiercely or to kneel by begonias at some detention center. those halls so cursed your tallness too alluring or your nonchalance so irritating; a man is a giant in some fictional island where remorse is all he feels. to flounder satisfaction, so famish for thrills, while adoring hurt is so ridiculous; a soul in orbit a talent in shackles while writing is so inhibited. those roads in you those frowns in me while we’re so desperate. stripped of conscienceness or adorned in confession while alms cover a multitude of ignobility. (I was fascinated. I never could meet you. it was senseless to muse dynasty. sure in fire so unsteady so goofy. by banister glisten or glitter to aura slipping into dementia. as remembering edginess too open to behaviors when a man would play piano. it shivers these days. it hates dishonesty. in a world claiming monopolies. where passion is angst or anticipation is pain if but ruined is beauty. those grounds as I would tread to find decency in a lost prayer. such round eyes so dedicated to winning while I never understood pure dissatisfaction. those brown shields those helmets bleeding if but to marry such aloofness.) I would love you. I would placate a feeling. it was utter terrific.   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...