Sunday, August 13, 2017
Gambling With Time
He’s a bundle, at lifetime warfare, as darkness to ravens—such frisky
spirits, as livid his liver, at torn disconnections; to profess faith, or
captured at love, falling for rising our black lagoon; to tread gently, at
penalty a diamond, attempting at more than a corpse: that mental magazine; that
deck of cards; that horrid casino—at gambles to perish, a fist full of dice,
that dance to wrongness. I braid a thought, affected by kindness,
while suspicious our oceans. I felt a
puma, that human head, that eagle’s wings; as sung delirium, at stumbles to
justice, but a genius savant—where mother cries, as fraught in purgatory, to
inhale a crescent moon; those famished signs, as screaming to silence, by
witness to tragedies unseen: that gleaming spark; those florid deaths; our
minds at commiseration. I saw glints,
those terrific and tragic and terrifying eyes—where Love shivers, but a second
in vices, at terrors to placate addictions: that fast movement; those inverted
tremors; that language to liquid bodies—insofar, a curse, or father’s mercy, to
placate a monster—as churned his brains, but paired with horrors, so exclaimed
in majesty—that tugging engine, our zoetic styles, but so curious to touch for
dreams; that fabulous ache, so disconnected, but too melded to clutch passions:
that daughter’s magic, her father’s cadence, our morning stars—as to flee,
while pausing, scraping a fertile blotch—in such as life, to cipher through
feelings, gasping at noetic images: that beige dayfly; that curious gadfly; our
cymbals crashing through ceilings—as turned your vision, cleaving to presence,
so inclined that fatal breath: our nimbus arcs, such zest and zeal and pure
enthusiasm: that flying portrait, to hover his senses, as something connected
to manhood malice: that terrible conquest; that chorus through passions; or
that feeling yearning but lost—a net of fireflies, at speech to perish, resting
upon a chert rock—those marble replies, as deaf to flames, that shovel to
granite earth: so terrific a nightmare, that intricate rook, those sandstone
eyes—as daughters sickle through
mental terrain concretizing wine
rocks: such atypical art, our sunny suede, adjusting by sky-fires; at likes
with treatises, an ankh by dungeons, a pendant by life; as ever to passions,
our theorems to values, our hearts as sapphires. I broke a necklace, fleeing for crawling,
so filled with feelings—that peace running, but ever flirtatious, to visit
enough to miss—indeed, a heart-key, those crisscross affections, our coupling
tears; to effect growth, a locket to a dream, by agonies so vivid—our Amazon
creatures, as features of silence, our equator so temperamental. He’s sprinting to Love, that famous swan,
allergic to mishaps—to function as pictures, our inner reflections, to sense
with silence a vibrant presence: that heart-jaguar, that coyote brain, those
army ants as providing examples—where love is permanent, but gray by
treasuries, while music becomes insufferable: that plight to honors, that inner
eagle, those wings cracking our ribs—our minds as polecats, the stealth of wild
cats, our inheritance a cage of parrots; wherewith, comes inculcation, to
repeat it daily, this terror by hopes as superglue; thereat, are songs, this
inner resilience, that person screaming for juries—to scan a claim, those
posits by vices, where belief is too credulous: that ink-print tern, peering at
benighted bats, by prayers an Asian lion—wherefrom, our nights, that swan a
masked owl, as more those Egyptian eyes.
Time was Brief
With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...
Multivalent sunshine. It was neat, I supposed; to know tenderness, to muse at roses. So damned, so curious, bled of parts, pleading inte...
It puzzles me to see frustration, not as it permits itself, rather, in kind eyes. I know those carnivals. I’ve spoken to those harlequins....