Friday, July 30, 2021

We Have Some Curse


sadness made stronger a man eclipses his night anger. a chapter in skin written in acid—fire to soul, trying to waltz passed—much terror on wings.


days are wilting, nightmares increase, most mouths are vomiting. to know as we exhaust, like living a deserted kiss, like fierce sloth-grass. weeds made edible lime on rust, purity in something filthy; a cut in those years, a premature affair, amazed how we decline. seesawing gently. eating a diseased pigeon. many watching in pain.


seated near angst, a broken roundtable, many worshiping dead beliefs; holding to eras in a time reversed, traumatic sinews—to scream in disappearance, to reclaim mistakes, so human a man can’t live. to get close, like it meant life, a person is called sentimental. it learns, it stops hurting, it turns to sheer disgust.


crossing harbor into seas alleged as a dying crux; infused, trying to see, at edges leaping; a soft soundtrack, a paleolithic curse, listening to mice aside crickets. a man will adore her. her will try to live her. he will never be certain.


much implication. many fiery flames. a man will try to adjust his fever.


sea teal groans, blue-green skies, a turtle will admonish us. as racing elements, winds, fires, waters, earths—our caramel deluxe(s) our ham with bacon, so naked on your lawn—yelling, tossing dirt, rending garments asunder. a rough sackcloth, at something deeper, goatskin in sheepskin in desperate agony. unhappily gleeful, a palm at its nape, a body heaving anguish.


“I love you.”


we have some curse.  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...