Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Company We Keep


I keep hope I keep credits I seduce a merit diplomacy. I stay honest fiending in some direction while knowing I might be dishonest. not merely omission but uncalculated such phantoms hovering about his countenance. so effaced at times or erasing color while sensing color means a great deal. for example: each culture has underlying truths, as to discredit them—is to reteach/structure something already inveterate. however, the tides are tender or shores are hectic or dancing is meant for couples. so sad to see as it entertained, she drew pain in middle of the room. so seductive so miserable such a lover of souls. too obvious our cravings our outstanding sorrows where being possessed seems appropriate at times. but a soul lost to his horizon at guts to pavement or intestines writing prose. so much a substitute where another is priority or a song remains in a shell. so abandoned so crooked so honest—as pain was cake or crust was sweet into a face of almonds. never again. some go crazy. but it seems to defeat itself.

some riddle up there. a bit of release up there. while many say, “He’s disappointed with humans.” either that or this or some anxiety concerning what we’re able to sustain. nevertheless, sweet disaster as coming into presence such abandon while at love; a market of souls an agora of spirits, as coming to a lake filled with prophecies. to blame hurts. to ignore hurts. to accept builds a human. so captured by our demands, or running towards our wants, while reality is interested in itself. so beautiful with her, so adored by her, while it has become routine. indeed, so painful. we can’t hear it. but what becomes of two meeting that way? in tears we love, we pander, we explore. (your body is my soul. your art is my mind. I come to you pleading for our best days.)  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...