Friday, May 21, 2021

Personality Has Key Building Blocks


elements cycle into circumstance insomuch as position might shift where bad persons become good. as sudden amazement or sudden realization while others watch filled with envy. an old prostitute becomes a nun. a kleptomaniac learns charity. an old con artist volunteers to build an orphanage. wild things in sightless lands we call them miracles. siblings are reclassified. he was once the angel and she the black sheep. now she’s the force where he’s dissipating winds. such leakage of helium. the balloon is near ground. art has inverted. it seems fair for one but anger for another where most wouldn’t do kindness in return. 

I gazed upward looking at a phoenix to imagine a person’s resurrection/revelation. I dined for years at Patmos. I listened to Greek Wisdom for a decade. I have adored, of course, at a distance, a feeling that once came to me. some typical fire, not much math to it, where a glance turns into something more; as for a person, something disharmonized, such ancient affectation; to live for a short period, even a century, with pains when thinking about beauty. 

we change shoes, hopefully socks too, while we prepare to swim. we switch out thoughts, replaced by more pleasant thoughts, if attuned to our mental health. 

I lost in order to retrieve while I can never fix those chasms. they suck at us they laugh at times they feel so unnatural. know this: if you frighten a person, they never forget, and if you hurt a person, they try desperately to forgive. it becomes a challenge, rarely to avail, where we wonder why the curtain has been drawn. 

but we broached a topic atop—the changing of positions—where we try to accept the new you. a vague enterprise an ambivalent jealousy while I need you to survive. I have raked the debris or cleaned my sewers or retiled the kitchen floor. I have become an encyclopedia, praised therapeutic practice, and still, I have an anchor purging me, draining laundry, and provoking untenable emotion. it becomes an anniversary, a celebration—if a day is void of this contemplation. I keep meeting me, I keep meeting her, I have concluded some elements are basic in each personality.        

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...