Friday, May 28, 2021

Short Ode To Blackness


I play Marvin as soul tickles I keep thinking of blackness: our cool hats our noisy poolhalls or blues blazing from a Fleetwood. our sons and daughters their eagerness as chasing my past—to have excitement to steal a kiss to jib and jive hoping upon physical jazz. sore at this war or raving over possibility while most blacks are overexposed. needing anointing speeding through currents as afraid we missed our own handiworks. seesawing along skies so torn on product—too sad to go deeper. our women so turquoise our eyes so glossy at Express stores buying denims. a need to feel brand new, like rushing away from mud, while we can’t scrub enough. our bible verses our cleansings our ritualized existence. as beautiful lawyers or psychologists, I think another is in the White House. as communicators racing phantoms so much genetic frequency.


we just dance like that we get funky like that our grandparents play gin like that.


I feel sad, gazing into a short period, while ecstatic the dynasty is soaring. early morning water at noon boiled eggs while dinner is composed of fountain memories.


if Angelica an art or ferrets are witnesses by so great the craving.


most can’t defend on that level. many are unsuited inside. it becomes taxing to strengthen resistance. our color schemes as internal the way we disagree with pride. so much our walks our strutting our pants. years at it like genetic allegators it has become evolution. if but to see – most sad souls with such happiness in a given moment.


I say sorrow in us where I must say joy in us, while pushing for happiness and sound in us.   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...