Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Desecrated Human Churches


we examine anguish as it skates in bottles or marijuana – as it dies by flowers a lily upon a daffodil wrapped in college verification. we sense differences in perception, differences in responses, or differences in reception. we chug or tug or blaze or pop – along rivers in cities adjacent to success but left in wilderness; so opposed to mistreatment so ready to mistreat such inadequacies chasing a soul into its self-harm.     seven to ten steps backwards so displaced as trying to live by excellence; can’t escape our shrouds can’t deliver our ghosts while eating alone pondering apparitions. 

nonetheless, a serious person, trying if to avoid discomfort, trying to prove to anyone our worth. 

so empirical or scientific while siding against experience: “It must be me, it must be delusion, so, I ignore it until I suffer.” 

some women send us as delicate/aggressive/cagey invisibility; we fight for categories, most need to feel famous, so thwart by competition; to wander wildly if but to feel justice where a soul did as he selected—those marshmallow eyes those charming insensitivities while we argue why body is such an issue.    

I was so sure as never a thought until academia. 

I was so paranoid so dishonored until evidence pushed into a corner would confess. 

we delete each other. we reprogram innocence. we make it hard for newcomers. or we need some familiarity a destiny in control a bit frightened to start again. at some thought I have, in this land of same souls, I deal here or I deal there. 

at an attack on personalities, notwithstanding, training, while we seem to associate presence with love.     

I need to need you, I want and need you to want and need me, in entirety, I need you to want and need what I want and need. 

moreover, we must be excellent, we mustn’t hassle each other, in debates, I need you to see what I suggest. like songbirds we need chastity. like holiness we need energy. like God we need submission. such a way upon a path while surrendering for it’s hard to negotiate. I need subservience, or more, seduction, or more, so difficult I go insane over love.     I was younger. I had a snake. I was surprised by a venomous bite. so shook so scared as never a second thought to her nature. so burnt so depleted so reauthorized. as a franchised seed in a pathetic hope, wondering, how much is required to hear — “I hate me and you?” another fell hard. he lives in hell. a child is not his. 

furthermore, a vampire, a scratching essence, a biting into gristle. I’ve said nothing, lines are camouflaged, a few made privy may see—those lights those lamps, those firehouses aflame, those desecrated churches.    

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...