Saturday, March 27, 2021

Two Met, Those Phoenix Cries!


so feuded inside a softer violence while adoring is close to controlling. the banquet those carpet screams while the ceiling fell at 5 a.m. so much gnosis as knowledge in me while I can’t insist on validation. I have a spirit, oops, a bit grandiose, but I’m a damn locomotive! I hit the sun I melt I become a firebird. I relax I go crazy I come back years later. so much a dream so infused, Love, while touching was obliteration. a face in mourning a bird in screaming so delicate asking may I go nutty! a fool in me a decree in me while never a man kept his honesties! blood blue or burgundy phantom

so spatial so hectic so undelivered!

            as but a monster, so humble, a countenance vitiating everything he earned.

            those passion aches or a sure explosion, why is Love such a creature?

            revived from deaths or indebted to souls so close to endure the sharing.

            I poured a gallon I ate a machine so cold where insults are galaxies.

such a foul mouth, such a promiscuous soul, while asking for utter memories. I was a maniac or an island no one knew I was studying. it was embarrassing. I lied to a man. it was so incriminating he held to it for dear life.

            so jasper, Love, so neat, Love, have I met, Love?

            surety in security, its face value, this is a lonely, depleted, and miserable man.

            I ran a number it was long range – I was told he harbored a demon.

those months growing tomatoes. those minutes making decisions. a man goes crazy to imagine such audacity. but crops have summoned, reaping is in season most go batty to hear redemption. a fragrant ache a reduced pain where another has replaced all of us!

            it becomes tales or heads, it’s a life decision, while kingdoms are suffering from violence.

            I was looking I was innocent it felt so recreated. the music was material those feelings caught fire, in a haze of mirages. I put it there, an inner projection, without any damn evidence. I was disappointed, but in whom, self, or something it couldn’t fit?  

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...