Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Some Pasta Is Too Salty


like garlic for cleansing or toothpaste for upkeeping such vital, unavoidable inter-state-ism. I have gathered berries the world enjoys wine the soul is its winepress. a sacred ism a vicious stress as associated with grime. so dark in lessons the company we kept while it’s tell these days – if getting close a person needs courage it isn’t a clear rung; so bathed in jelly so late to burial or too early for an interview. those caiman eyes those caiman genes, while we must feel cursed!

            I would relax to just listen with hearing aids. to watch a spirit as it becomes slimy while it frets itself. or honest creatures accursed by temperament so gentle it kills them.

            Love was religious in such a gust swerving through power-sources; our tawny skin, such a big thing in our culture, while we despise racism. but justified in each level our needs to discredit logic. it belongs to shadows, it makes no sense, it’s designed to manufacture itself. well, I took a look, like reading a bible, I found something to it.

            leopards can’t undress. panthers are reclusive. lions play in silence.

            I carry bears, they seem like gems, while it’s so heavy a soul might see something. unconscious debates while one is uncomfortable, where another is a mini-pained-soul.

            we cannot win with decency. or we mustn’t shift integrity. while Little Simeon became a maniac. from city to city, less than remorse, debating while motives were necessary. a psych's nightmare. a thrill in its reality. while condemned for behaviors.        

            such structure in its opposite while forcing its music – withering come investigation.

             a man met a woman, they became intimate, he barrowed what he intended to take. a mistake in a garden. a woman desiring clarity. a man hesitant to acknowledge his part. indeed, as shifting ships, where one knew a few things. he would tell, they would mourn, they would have relations. this is life. divulging secrets. trashing friendships. if but to barrow and disappear.

            I do drift. a crocodile’s antennas. while another claimed virgin until she turned forty.

            the passage is blocked the gates are locked, while would she unblock the passage and unlock the gates?

             I cannot fathom the skies. they always surprise me. such salmon upstream is hell down mountains. so meaningful. so deliberate. to wonder how one saw us!

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...