Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Mental Motion Miles Closer


it comes like a dream, a prehistoric genetic, what’s tentatively denoted as a feature. scattered/memorable screams, over or many at essence, so gathered so cleansed so distraught. some see clearly others see through desire some are caving, looking tender, appointed to more screams. the daughter’s battle, the father’s agony, for we need to fix what stands aloof. a good day a floating blade of grass, a palm catching herself, a miracle to adore like a sunny night. so casual so polite, so mean so irresistible, while some need total reclusiveness – those heart feathers those leaves our yard on a tree so ancient it becomes treasured. such chief sensations, as filled calligraphy into alps fretting iciness. we’ll be agitated. while we know our behaviors. we’ll never be so clear as realization. so many dispositions our prejudgments our genetic interrogation.

            dry skin or roomy anguish such sorrow at a settee. or good joy a testimony of absence while it asserts and disclaims itself. “I love you, is like, I could not love you.” a bit of disbelief, where understanding is separated, while one asserts a rabidness – as also claiming an anti-rabidness. such a quartet, those parts, the written legacy!

            many aren’t interested – in semantics, truths, or reaching beyond their preferences. or some are wrapped in exercise, or prayed into a frenzy, while a contour speaks a knitted window.     we don’t go for that. we wouldn’t never be like that. as spoken, it comes to trials like that.

            so adrift as pondering sensuality a treasured galaxy. a flute late evening, a lute aside a piano, a gallery of art. so much a harp as pleading for understanding while one says, “Can’t you forgive me?” or to know a weakness, as one irrefutable, where it’s too incorrigible to scratch-out. so inexplicable so much a damaged edifice while sweet into a few feelings. we wrestle at times. not with loving, but in examining why we shouldn’t be willing. a compartment in composure to comport as behaved such beauty in consistency. a valley of stoics at steep sacrifices or courting Athena – an art in Sirach a cavity in skies such neatly trimmed exospheres. to die with you or living good with you our alibis always with precision.

            but a dream a fly trap a firefly – at tales flipping coins or pitching quarters.   

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...