Friday, March 12, 2021

Akrasia (Acting Against Better Judgement)


elysian eyes so overbehaved seeping into absolute identity. such raw resistance sore into nirvana, uncaged by caged existence. by thunderous rain or icicles so unbalanced. mother was silence but outspoken she never told many indecencies. acted them out. changed perspectives. home became social crime. but overbearing rain sure exhaustion certain affectation. too uncouth too regardless too sacred at unorthodoxy. but right center, or oversky rebuilt in a tented building. a casual edifice another faculty I see mother planted many seeds. spicy legs icy thighs while a man wants his leniencies. crisp or over-irked sentences relaxed overly sure science at pains to ignore as it arises. blood bone terror such chandeliers falling some ape man out of sentience. outlined a boy carrying chalk he awoke screaming at my face. I slept an hour the room was empty the door was locked. I sudden’d a soddened thought, those regions so harmful. a neck abandoned hair panting a pond in her eyes. I touched its taste with seas in her salt. I knew by retreating. she urged forwardness. we have ambitions. souls marching bodies unmanaged. I would take to vehemence if crouching into excellence such remote destruction. I must regroup. a fever unplugged. a mineral is melodious voice. a hand with veins or nails filthy while glistening for buffed. the garden was haven. its xyst was musical. numbers kept reappearing. such need to conquer emotion, such skies un-ocean-ed, if a nest somewhere aside dysfunction. a desire to buttress you, a need to realize you, while too unaffected to buttress its claims.


I have lost meeting you. I have lost feeling redeemed in you. I have lost an appetite at this moment. beauty is in-excellent, preferred in pains, while overly familiarized. a need for holy or outstanding or a secret to rebirth its immediacy. I have reopened old decisions or an axion bent while posits seem incomplete. I judge future by here right now, where limbo is too hostile. sure fantasies where it seems appropriate while one asks, “What do you see?” a bit cocky a bit of its scream while we test – if but to identify our strengths.


she was born by mistake. her arrival was accidental. her love isn’t complete.


I won’t cry for more, albeit, I think it, while we seem preoccupied. maybe for something, this incomplete something, while humans are designed to feel incomplete. worship is defined this way. uneasiness becomes necessary anxiety. while one says, “Pain cannot live without an agent.” quite profound. we can’t locate it without consciousness. while concentration can induce it from an outer source. that stands circular. or, it is because of her. how? because she did it. we see something quite unsophisticated. but true at times!


what lines were crossed, where one determined a fact, while totally inexperienced in unsaid domain? it just is. or I feel uncomfortable. but recoding perception is, either for, or against, becomes questionable. so prized by self. we die to feel prized by others. deep insecurity needs this from anyone.


a man passed a STD. he was nonchalant about it. the woman called him an animal. it never crossed his mind.           

Time was Brief

    With deeper allure—to ward off ghosts—melancholia is an empire. Such dialogue confuses—: one wrestling despair. It was remote living, in...